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Friday, October 7, 2011

Steve Jobs and Me

For those of you who don’t know who Steve Jobs was, he was the inventor of the iPod, iPad, and iphone. He was also the owner of Pixar films. He recently died on October 5, 2011. I think that Steve Jobs has impacted the lives of many people all over the world. He has changed the lives of many people with his creations. In my opinions, he completely changed the way we communicate and entertain ourselves. Millions of people in the world use all three of these items, including myself. Personally, I wouldn’t be able to live without my iPod. That might sound a little too exaggerated but it’s true. My iPod, iPod touch to be exact, is very useful for me. I use it every day for different things: the internet, instant messaging, videos, music, and games. For me, my iPod touch a must –have. I think it’s even more useful than my cell phone. If it weren’t for that, I think that instead of spending my days listening to music and watching videos, I would be doing nothing. I remember once, when I had my first iPod, I lost it by accident in a Burger king restaurant. I completely freaked out and even started crying. My mom said that I was too obsessive because it was just an iPod, it wasn’t like my life was taken or something. I thought that she clearly didn’t know the value of an iPod for a teenager… LOL. I remember when I used to use a CD player instead of an iPod. Back then, having an iPod wasn’t so important for me or for anyone I guess. If people used to use CD Players, beepers, or radios back then, then why can’t we continue not using iPods? I think that Steve Jobs created a new addiction for people because now days, no one will ever go out without their iPod. Instead of talking to your friends on the train and hearing so much noise, it has all turned into silence. Now it looks like there’s only a bunch of people sitting as if they were in detention.
Everyone I know talks about getting the latest iPod or iPhone. Things have gotten so up to date now. Back then, in order to send someone a picture that you took on your cell phone, you had to connect it to a computer and do the whole process of uploading and emailing. Now, we can instantly email it the instant we take the picture… and all with an iPod or iphone. I think that’s amazing.
The Pixar films have also impacted my life a lot. Most of my favorite cartoon movies are from Pixar. Those movies have basically shaped my childhood. Most of my friends say, “What is your favorite Pixar movie?” If someone doesn’t know about them, their response would basically be “Did you even have a childhood?” I guess this applies for every child. My favorite Pixar movie is Finding Nemo. Actually, there is something very interesting I have noticed about Pixar movies… they all seem to switch roles. Instead of having the humans do all the action, they make objects or animals act like the intellectual ones. Us humans are sort of irrelevant in their world. I guess that’s because they want to make us, the humans, understand and learn what an important part they play in our world… to us that we make them irrelevant.

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