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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Your Guardian Angel- Ending

The next thing i knew, I found myself thinking whether I had made the right choice or not. I looked at myself up and down. I was dressed in a long white gown. My hair was let down and twisted into long curls. The glow that surrounded me was incredible. I looked so... holy. I even believed i was. I didn't grow wings like i thought i would. Instead, i gained the power to be able to fly without them and transport myself wherever i wanted to go. My duties as a "guardian" involved staying with the person I was going to protect all day and all night, making sure absolutely nothing bad would happen to him or her, if that was possible. I also learned something: whenever we get involved in a very serious accident, we end up dying for two reasons. One can be that our guardian angel wasn't around at the time of an accident. Another one was because it was God's command to take our soul with him. Once we would go into unconsciousness, our angels would accompany our souls up into heaven. It was too much for me to believe.

When I was assigned the person I would start protecting, I immediately went to look for him. That person was Lucas. Lucas Hernandez was your average school boy. He lived with his step father, who was a real drug addict. He was a very bright boy, maybe about 8 or 9 years old. He had scars and bruises all over the parts of his body that were visible. He lived a terrible life. His stepfather treated him really badly. At such a young age, he made the little boy go to work as soon as he came back to school to give money to support his father's addictions. It was truly horrible. I felt kinda good being this little boy's guardian angel. I don't have kids, but I was thinking of having one. I guess that was a good way to start.  

For the next month, I spent all my time and dedication protecting Lucas from his horrible step father. It was kinda cool because no one could see me, so when his stepfather was just about to give him a beating, I would go push him over or knock something down or something like that. Soon enough the man started to think that the house was haunted. It humored me. At the same time, I watched over Jonathan too. I forgot to tell you that part but that same moment that I agreed to become a guardian, Jonathan came back to life while he was still in those refrigerator things where dead people are put into. I don't know what their called but it doesn't matter. I didn't understand though. He didn't go looking for me at my house or even asked for me. He never wondered where I was. I felt really bad about that. Then one day, the same day I was supposed to finish my duties as a guardian, I discovered what I had always feared the most. Jonathan was with another woman. Unlike me, she was no drug addict. She had a masters degree and a PhD in law and advocacy. And she was rich, very rich. That's what attracted Jonathan the most. There didn't exist one single moment where he thought of me. He was very happy, recovering and making his own life... a life where I didn't exist.

After finding that out, I went back to heaven.
"What's the matter child?" God told me.
"Jonathan... he... he forgot about me. He has someone else now." 
"I'm really sorry."
"And to think that I traded my life for his... even if it was just for a month."
"Well, everything is not what it seems. The people we think we know turn out to be complete strangers." 
"Yes, i realize..."
"Don't worry, you can solve it with him once you get back to Earth. Congratulations, this is your last day serving. You did a wonderful job." 

Well, I never actually got to solve the problem with Jonathan. There was actually a change of plans. I realized that there were things more important to take care of... and children to protect. Just then, I heard Lucas's soft, tender voice...
"Angel of God, my guardian dear
to whom God's love commits me here
Ever this day be at my side
to light and guard and rule and guide."

Friday, October 7, 2011

Your Guardian Angel- Part Three

It's hard to explain what happened after I got the news that Jonathan was dead. He was gone, out of my life, never to be seen again. From one moment to another, I had just lost the love of my life. And it was all my fault. I should've never let him go like that. I didn't even get to tell him I loved him one last time. Life hates me so much. Now what was gonna become of me now that Jonathan was gone? He was my boyfriend, my life, my everything. There was no reason for living if he wasn't in my life anymore...

The rest of that week, all I did was go to the park like a bum with my bottle of vodka and just forget... forget. I didn't even dare to go back to the bar where I had met Jonathan. No way. That would completely destroy me. Instead, my days were made up of going to the park and staying locked in my room. I didn't even eat sometimes... all i did was sleep... and dream the dreams.

One day before I went to bed, I decided to pray to God for once.
"God, I don't know If you exist like everyone says, but if you do, then please... please, bring him back. You don't understand, I NEED him with me. He's everything I ever asked for in my life and now that I was finally happy you took him away from me! Why did you do that for?....... I hope you know that you killed me with that. If you're really magical like everyone says you are, then bring him back for me and i'll do anything, absolutely ANYTHING for him to be alive again."
I stopped to think for a minute.
"Who am I kidding? I think I've gone insane now... pretending to talk to God. What is wrong with me?" And with that, I went to bed.

That's when I had the dream. That night, I dreamed of God, or at least I thought I did. Well, it goes like this: I was all dressed in white and I was in a completely white place. It looked kinda foggy and there was nothing, i mean NOTHING in that place. No one to talk to either. Just then, I saw a tall man with medium length brown hair and all dressed in white come up to me. He gave me this feeling of comfort and serenity and he had this really special glow. It's something that no one can explain.
"Who are you and what am I doing here?" I asked.
"You're in heaven and this is your Father you have in front of you."
"So... you're telling me you're... God?"
"Yes. I believe you already know why I wanted to speak to you. I don't know if you think i'm real or not, but you must believe with your heart. I heard what you said, about wishing I could give Jonathan back to you. I'm afraid that's not possible."
"Why not?!! You're God! You can do ANYTHING!"
"Yes i can but if i decided to bring Jonathan back to me was for a reason. This isn't a game young lady, there is no 'undo' button."
"Please please PLEASE! I'll do anything you ask me... I'll even trade my own life for his! Just please let him live, I can't go on knowing he's dead. Please!"
"Well, if you really must, there is something you can do..."
"Just tell me and I'll do it!"
"Well, I will send Jonathan back, but in return, you must take the place and responsibility of someone's guardian angel for a month. You young people need to understand what it's like to have to care for people so reckless and careless like yourself. Maybe this way, you will learn a life lesson. You will need to work hard to protect and care."
"HA! Me? A Guardian Angel? I can't even care for myself!"
"Exactly, that's why now you have to be on the other side. You will learn the real value of life. You will have to protect one of your own and realize that what you have done with your life is no good. So, the choice is yours... do you want to take it or reject it?"

Your Guardian Angel- Part Two

Throughout the time Jonathan and I were dating, we sure had fun times together. We would get drunk together, have sex, and tell each other everything. It was probably the best time of my life. Until one day... everything changed completely.

So, we were down at the bar one day. We were having a complete blast. Time passed by and I realized that it was getting really late so I had to go home.
"I'll drive ou home babe." Jonathan said.
"Are you sure? You're not in conditions for driving. Look at you! You're frieken wasted!"
"So what are you gonna do then? You're wasted too... do you just wanna walk home alone like that? And besides, im not that drunk, come on get in the car."
"Fine" I said, and so he drove me home. I swear, he was about to crash the damn thing right into my house. When he finally managed to stop it, I got off.
"Are you sure you can drive home like this? You were about to crash the car! If you want, I can sneak you in and you can sleep over. I have..."
"No no, I said I'm fine! Go inside already, It's getting cold."
"Ok, but be very careful, please."
"I will, I will... don't worry." And just like that, he sped off. I was so tired and felt like throwing up, so I went into bed and fell fast asleep.

I don't think it was even half an hour after I fell asleep that I got a phone call. I was very pissed off, wondering who the heck was calling me at 4 am. Still half asleep, I picked up the phone.
"Hello?" I said in a sleepy voice.
"Hello, is this Dahlia Hornfield?"
"Um, yes this is her. Who's this?"
"Hi and sorry to bother you ma'am but we are calling to inform you that Jonathan was involved in a very serious car accident just now."
As soon as I heard that, I felt like my heart completly skipped like 20 beats.
"Oh my god... is he... ok?" I said in a low, shaky voice.
"I'm afraid not ma'am. I'm sorry to tell you this but, Jonathan has passed away."
And so that was the beginning of my end.

Your Guardian Angel- Part One

I was completely in love, like I've never been before. His name was Jonathan and he was the love of my life. We practically shared the same exact interests and hobbies. He was the perfect soul mate. We met at a bar one day when i had gone to drown away my sorrows. Earlier that day, I had a fight with my parents, you know, the usual stuff. They're mad because i still haven't gotten married with some rich guy that can help pay for their problems. You know how it goes, if the parents dont have enough money to maintain you, then you have to maintian them. But anyways, after the whole fight, I went down to the bar. I was so pissed off with all of my parents' bull. It was driving me nuts. I seriously had one of everything at the bar and just as i was ordering something else, Jonathan comes and sits right next to me. I almost didn't notice him because i was too wasted, to be honest.
"Hey, what's up?" he said.
"Uhm, not much I guess... Do I know you?"
"Nope. And I don't know you either, I really just wanted someone to keep me company here... You mind?"
"No, I guess not." I said. He caught my eye right from the very start. He was a tall, slender kind of guy, maybe about 25 years old, just like me. Boy, was he handsome. I was so distracted looking at him that  didn't even notice that he was talking to me.
"Oh, um, sorry, I was zoned out. What did you say?"
"I asked what your name was?"
"Oh... I'm Dahlia. What's your name?"
"Cool. Nice to meet you."
" Touche."
After that, we had a very good time together. We talked about what we did for a living and all that good stuff. We even went a little personal. He told me that he dropped out of high school when he was a junior and never thought about going back to college. It was the same thing with me, except i dropped out senior year. We both lived with our parents, had problems at home, and to top it off, he was also somewhat of an alcoholic. He was attractive all right, even in the alcolic part.

Some time after that, maybe about a week, we started dating. Of course, my parents didn't approve of it and neither did his, that's why he ran away from home and found a job as a car washer. As for me, well, I had to stay with my parents while Jonathan looked for a small place to rent for the both of us. I didn't even dare to introduce him to my parents, because if they saw the kind of person he was, as in not a worker and an alcoholic, they would kill me for sure. I mean, not that they cared anymore. Whenever I came home drunk they would totally ignore me. Jonathan was great, regardless of all his flaws and everything. He even made me think about marrige, but I know more than anyone else, that people like us aren't fit for marrige at all.

Steve Jobs and Me

For those of you who don’t know who Steve Jobs was, he was the inventor of the iPod, iPad, and iphone. He was also the owner of Pixar films. He recently died on October 5, 2011. I think that Steve Jobs has impacted the lives of many people all over the world. He has changed the lives of many people with his creations. In my opinions, he completely changed the way we communicate and entertain ourselves. Millions of people in the world use all three of these items, including myself. Personally, I wouldn’t be able to live without my iPod. That might sound a little too exaggerated but it’s true. My iPod, iPod touch to be exact, is very useful for me. I use it every day for different things: the internet, instant messaging, videos, music, and games. For me, my iPod touch a must –have. I think it’s even more useful than my cell phone. If it weren’t for that, I think that instead of spending my days listening to music and watching videos, I would be doing nothing. I remember once, when I had my first iPod, I lost it by accident in a Burger king restaurant. I completely freaked out and even started crying. My mom said that I was too obsessive because it was just an iPod, it wasn’t like my life was taken or something. I thought that she clearly didn’t know the value of an iPod for a teenager… LOL. I remember when I used to use a CD player instead of an iPod. Back then, having an iPod wasn’t so important for me or for anyone I guess. If people used to use CD Players, beepers, or radios back then, then why can’t we continue not using iPods? I think that Steve Jobs created a new addiction for people because now days, no one will ever go out without their iPod. Instead of talking to your friends on the train and hearing so much noise, it has all turned into silence. Now it looks like there’s only a bunch of people sitting as if they were in detention.
Everyone I know talks about getting the latest iPod or iPhone. Things have gotten so up to date now. Back then, in order to send someone a picture that you took on your cell phone, you had to connect it to a computer and do the whole process of uploading and emailing. Now, we can instantly email it the instant we take the picture… and all with an iPod or iphone. I think that’s amazing.
The Pixar films have also impacted my life a lot. Most of my favorite cartoon movies are from Pixar. Those movies have basically shaped my childhood. Most of my friends say, “What is your favorite Pixar movie?” If someone doesn’t know about them, their response would basically be “Did you even have a childhood?” I guess this applies for every child. My favorite Pixar movie is Finding Nemo. Actually, there is something very interesting I have noticed about Pixar movies… they all seem to switch roles. Instead of having the humans do all the action, they make objects or animals act like the intellectual ones. Us humans are sort of irrelevant in their world. I guess that’s because they want to make us, the humans, understand and learn what an important part they play in our world… to us that we make them irrelevant.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

All a person wants... ?

I once made a choice...
The choice was to do what was right for me
So in a way, I wasn't following my hearts desire
That ended kind of badly
At first, I wasn't happy with the choice I had made
My heart ached and my emotions were mixed
I guess that's what happens when reason comes before love
But soon after
The reasoning quickly turned into love
And now I find myself
Loving like never before

People say, "Follow your heart"
But what if what your heart wants is not the best for you?
I'd rather go with reason to avoid problems
I've made other choices before
And those involved following my heart
But at the end, my heart ended up broken
I guess maybe I've had too many good-byes before
And I wouldn't be able to survive another one
And so I was left with nothing but my heart's choice
That's what you get when you let your heart win
And that's what happens when all a person wants...
Is to be happy...