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Friday, October 7, 2011

Your Guardian Angel- Part One

I was completely in love, like I've never been before. His name was Jonathan and he was the love of my life. We practically shared the same exact interests and hobbies. He was the perfect soul mate. We met at a bar one day when i had gone to drown away my sorrows. Earlier that day, I had a fight with my parents, you know, the usual stuff. They're mad because i still haven't gotten married with some rich guy that can help pay for their problems. You know how it goes, if the parents dont have enough money to maintain you, then you have to maintian them. But anyways, after the whole fight, I went down to the bar. I was so pissed off with all of my parents' bull. It was driving me nuts. I seriously had one of everything at the bar and just as i was ordering something else, Jonathan comes and sits right next to me. I almost didn't notice him because i was too wasted, to be honest.
"Hey, what's up?" he said.
"Uhm, not much I guess... Do I know you?"
"Nope. And I don't know you either, I really just wanted someone to keep me company here... You mind?"
"No, I guess not." I said. He caught my eye right from the very start. He was a tall, slender kind of guy, maybe about 25 years old, just like me. Boy, was he handsome. I was so distracted looking at him that  didn't even notice that he was talking to me.
"Oh, um, sorry, I was zoned out. What did you say?"
"I asked what your name was?"
"Oh... I'm Dahlia. What's your name?"
"Cool. Nice to meet you."
" Touche."
After that, we had a very good time together. We talked about what we did for a living and all that good stuff. We even went a little personal. He told me that he dropped out of high school when he was a junior and never thought about going back to college. It was the same thing with me, except i dropped out senior year. We both lived with our parents, had problems at home, and to top it off, he was also somewhat of an alcoholic. He was attractive all right, even in the alcolic part.

Some time after that, maybe about a week, we started dating. Of course, my parents didn't approve of it and neither did his, that's why he ran away from home and found a job as a car washer. As for me, well, I had to stay with my parents while Jonathan looked for a small place to rent for the both of us. I didn't even dare to introduce him to my parents, because if they saw the kind of person he was, as in not a worker and an alcoholic, they would kill me for sure. I mean, not that they cared anymore. Whenever I came home drunk they would totally ignore me. Jonathan was great, regardless of all his flaws and everything. He even made me think about marrige, but I know more than anyone else, that people like us aren't fit for marrige at all.

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